CarrierJs - Javascript Library

Carrier JS is a robust caching-based HTTP client tailored for web browsers. Its primary purpose is to optimize the handling of API requests by intelligently caching frequently accessed data at multiple points along the request-response path. By doing so, Carrier JS minimizes redundant server requests, delivering cached responses for common requests and facilitating quick and cost-effective access to data.

Application Type

JavaScript Library


HTTP Protocol





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Project Purpose and Goal

Carrier JS aims to optimize web applications by intelligently caching frequently accessed data, reducing redundant API requests, and enhancing overall performance. The project addresses challenges related to duplicate API requests in scalable applications to contribute to improved quality of service in web development.

The primary goal of Carrier JS is to provide developers with a reliable and efficient HTTP client for browsers. Leveraging caching mechanisms, including features like IndexedDB-based storage, the library aims to minimize server load, bandwidth consumption, and latency. It strives to streamline the handling of API requests, delivering a seamless and responsive user experience.

Through cross-browser compatibility and IndexedDB-based storage, Carrier JS offers a valuable tool for developers seeking to optimize web applications and improve data retrieval efficiency.

Problems And Thought Process

Challenges Faced: The development of Carrier JS was prompted by the prevalent challenges of duplicate API requests in scalable web applications. These duplicates posed issues such as increased server load, heightened bandwidth consumption, and potential performance bottlenecks.

Thought Process: The thought process behind Carrier JS revolved around creating a solution that would intelligently cache frequently accessed data, thereby reducing the need for redundant API requests. The goal was to provide developers with a reliable and efficient HTTP client tailored for browsers, equipped with robust caching mechanisms to enhance overall performance.

Optimizing Data Retrieval: The project's focus was on streamlining the handling of API requests by leveraging features like IndexedDB-based storage. This approach aimed to minimize latency, server load, and bandwidth consumption, contributing to a seamless and responsive user experience.

Addressing Scalability: Carrier JS was envisioned to address the scalability concerns of web applications, ensuring that quality of service is maintained even in scenarios involving rapid and multiple API calls. By providing control over data freshness and implementing an efficient caching feature, the project aimed to strike a balance between performance optimization and accurate data retrieval.


Tech Stack Explanation

Frontend Library: Carrier JS is primarily a frontend library designed for web browsers. It leverages JavaScript to interact with browser APIs and manage HTTP requests efficiently. The use of JavaScript ensures compatibility with various browsers, allowing developers to integrate Carrier JS seamlessly into their web applications.

IndexedDB: The library utilizes IndexedDB for client-side storage. IndexedDB is a low-level API for storing large amounts of structured data, making it suitable for caching purposes. Carrier JS employs IndexedDB to persistently store cached data, with a capacity of up to 250MB, providing developers with a reliable and scalable storage solution.

HTTP Requests: Carrier JS utilizes XMLHttpRequest to make HTTP requests from the browser. This core browser feature enables the library to initiate requests, handle responses, and implement caching mechanisms. The integration of XMLHttpRequest ensures the compatibility of Carrier JS with different browsers.

Web Standards: The development of Carrier JS aligns with established web standards, including HTTP specifications such as RFC 2616 and RFC 7231. By adhering to these standards, Carrier JS ensures compatibility, reliability, and consistency in its interactions with web servers.

Open Source Community: Carrier JS encourages contributions from the open-source community. By fostering collaboration and engagement, the library benefits from diverse perspectives and expertise. The MIT license allows developers to use, modify, and contribute to Carrier JS, promoting a collaborative and inclusive development environment.

Lessons Learned

Building Carrier JS underscored the importance of setting incremental goals, constructing minimum viable products for iterative refinement, and continuously comparing them with the production version for efficient development. This process taught valuable lessons in adaptability and resilience in web development, shaping a skill set that anticipates applying these insights to future projects for sustained growth and innovation.